Wix Introduces New Tools to Help Small Businesses Manage Contracts and Payments


release date: May 1, 2024by joshua sofiein Small business news0

Wix.com (NASDAQ: WIX) has introduced Wix Proposals, a new feature developed in partnership with Prospero, a top proposal software company. This new tool is designed to help small businesses easily conduct long-term financial transactions, including submitting professional proposals and managing payment schedules.

Wix Proposals combines the best of Wix’s business management features with Prospero’s popular proposal templates. This integration allows users to create customized proposals that can include various elements such as logos, images, videos, tables, etc., making each proposal look professional and tailored to the needs of a specific business. It will be adjusted.

Asaf Remler, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Wix, explained the benefits of this new tool. “Wix Proposals gives business owners everything they need to easily create, manage, and finalize proposals,” said Lemler. “With its user-friendly design and powerful features, we believe it will change the way companies across a variety of industries manage their proposal processes.”

One of the key features of Wix Proposals is the payment scheduler. It allows companies to set up one-time payments or multiple payments over time for each project. This feature is linked to an automated billing system that ensures that invoices are sent to clients via email on pre-set dates. The tool also supports digital signatures, adding an extra layer of security and trust to your contracts.

Tomer Aharon, co-founder and CEO of Prospero, emphasized the strategic role of propositions in business. “A proposal is more than just a document; it’s essential to making a good first impression, marketing your business, and closing the deal,” says Aharon. “Wix Proposals allows businesses to create compelling proposals that not only get noticed but also win deals.”

    Joshua Sophy is the editor of Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 16 years. A professional journalist with his 20 years of experience in traditional and online media, he attended Waynesburg University and is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists. He held the positions of reporter, editor, and publisher, and founded his own local newspaper, the Pottsville Free Press.

    Source of this program
    “This extension is incredible!”
    “Wix Proposals is designed to make it easy for small and medium-sized businesses to submit professional proposals, manage payment schedules, and make long-term financial transactions…”
    Source: Read more
    Source link: https://smallbiztrends.com/wix-proposals-launched/

    Author: BLOGGER