A video of Pakistani college students participating in a theme walk inspired by the pre-wedding celebration of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant has gone viral on social media with millions of views. The video shows people coming one after another and mimicking a few personalities who attended the Jamnagar gala, including Orry. They even recreated the viral earring video where Orry gives his earring to Rihanna, and both pose for a selfie. Orry has now reacted to the video and rated it.
But before we share how Orry has rated the theme walk, watch the viral video here:
After watching the video, Orhan Awatramani, famously known as Orry, wrote, “Sorry, but only the Orry here has served.”
He added, “The walk 10/10, the hair 10/10, Earrings 10/10, mosquito 10/10, selfie angle 10/10, hijacking Rihanna for photo 10/10, gifting the earring 10/10, touching her chest 10/10, attention to detail 100/10.”
“Orry doppelgänger has eaten and left no crumbs, the rest of the characters here are just third-rate imposters. I rest my case,” he continued.
Orry also urged people to “stop sending” him the “viral video again and again”.
Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s three-day pre-wedding celebration took place in Jamnagar in March after getting engaged at Antilla in Mumbai.
In December 2022, the couple had a ‘roka’ ceremony, the official announcement of the relationship to the world, at the Shrinathji Temple in Nathdwara, Rajasthan. This marked the beginning of their formal journey towards marriage after they had known each other for several years.
According to several media reports, Anant and Radhika have known each other since childhood, but it was only in 2018 that their bond became the talk of the town after a picture of the duo dressed in matching outfits went viral on social media. Since then, Radhika has been constantly spotted at the gatherings associated with the Ambani family.
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Orry rates Anant Ambani, Radhika Merchant pre-wedding theme walk by Pakistani students | Trending #Orry #rates #Anant #Ambani #Radhika #Merchant #prewedding #theme #walk #Pakistani #students #Trending
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Source Link: https://www.hindustantimes.com/trending/orry-rates-anant-ambani-radhika-merchant-pre-wedding-theme-walk-by-pakistani-students-101715337461829-amp.html