Nita Ambani, the wife of India’s richest man Mukesh Ambani with a net worth of Rs 920239 crore, recently bought a new super-expensive Rolls-Royce car. Nita Ambani bought a Rolls Royce Phantom VIII EWB that easily costs more than Rs 12 crore. The billionaire bought the car a few weeks ago and in a recent video shared by ViralBhayani, Nita Ambani and Radhika Merchant can be seen travelling in the new uber luxurious Rolls-Royce in the streets of Mumbai. The car was accompanied by a large convoy of luxury SUVs including Range Rover and Land Rover Defender.
Nita Ambani’s Rolls-Royce is pretty special in it’s kind as it gets a Rose Quartz exterior and Orchid Velvet interiors. In addition to this, the super expensive Rolls-Royce of Nita Ambani also gets gold SoE, dinner plate wheels and NMA initials embroidered into the headrests. The Rolls Royce Phantom VIII EWB is powered by a 6.75-liter V12 twin-turbocharged petrol engine that produces a maximum of 571 Bhp and 900 Nm of peak torque.
A video of Nita Ambani’s new Rs 12 crore Rolls-Royce on the streets of Mumbai with the massive convoy is now going viral on the internet. You can watch the video below.
Last Diwali, Mukesh Ambani gifted the Rs 10 crore Rolls-Royce Cullinan Black Badge SUV to his wife Nita Ambani. For those who are unaware, Rolls-Royce Cullinan Black Badge is the most expensive SUV in India and only a few celebrities own this exotic car in the country. One of the popular Rolls-Royce Cullinan Black Badge owners in India is Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan. Nita Ambani’s new SUV is finished in a different shade of orange when compared to other Rolls-Royce SUV owned by Mukesh Ambani.
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Nita Ambani travels in special Rs 12 crore Rolls-Royce with Radhika Merchant, watch video #Nita #Ambani #travels #special #crore #RollsRoyce #Radhika #Merchant #watch #video
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