Latest Music Industry Hires: Karta, UMG, iHeartMedia, BeatBread, Peermusic, and More

Google News

In another of the music industry hires and promotions in May, Warner Music’s ADA Asia appointed Sara Ismail (pictured) as managing director. Photo credit: WMG

Google News Below is an overview of recent hiring and internal promotions in the music industry as of May 24, 2024.

We’d love to hear about any personnel changes you might have! Send us a message at [email protected]. If you’d like your job listed on our job board, send your request to [email protected]. Also, be sure to check out all the latest music industry job


Metaverse Developers can has hired former Tommy Hilfiger senior menswear designer Morgan Evans as fashion and beauty director and Emperia senior creative designer Sarah Richards as artistic director.

In addition, Karuta is a torque show (formerly Epic Games) as game design director, and Oskar Hulland (formerly Hypersocial Engineering Manager) as Roblox’s lead programmer, and Jonny Coelho (most recently at Beyond Creative) as lead producer.


Universal Music has promoted Todd Goodwin, who has been with the team for nine years, to SVP of Cultural Marketing and Creative Strategy for °1824.


Sara Ismail is currently MD of Warner Music ADA Asia and while in that role will also serve as MD of Warner Music Philippines on an interim basis.


BMG has promoted Mark Yolen, a publishing A&R executive who joined the company in 2020, to MD of its operations in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.


Several iHeartMedia stations have announced promotions, including Marie Tolson-Overton, who has been with iHeartMedia Philadelphia for 31 years, becoming sales manager for WDAS FM (Philadelphia’s Best R&B and Throwback) and Power 99 (Philadelphia’s Hip Hop and R&B).

Next up, Minneapolis’ 101.3 KDWB will have Von Leake (KDWB’s evening host, who “has one of the highest rated shows on radio”) and Bailey Hess As an on-air personality The Dave Ryan Show.

Finally, Phoenix’s 99.9 KEZ (more music from the ’80s, ’90s and today, more variety) has tapped Andrew Babinski as co-host. Beth and Friends’ Morning Show.

Sony Music Publishing

Hmmmm has appointed Nasra Artan, who has been with the team for two years, as head of its newly created international A&R department.

Beet Bread

Former High Touch contract renewal manager Julian Dunn Beet Bread as Director of Business and Legal Affairs;

PeerMusic UK

his Existing Roles Ralph W Peer has been appointed MD of PeerMusic UK, overseeing operations in Australasia, Africa and the Middle East.


iHeartMedia New York’s Z100 has hired Kiana Singh, formerly of Cox Media Group, as nighttime host.

Downtown Music

In downtown Release In the loyalty and financial services division, Curve Royalty Systems founder Tom Allen is president and Curve GM Richard Leach is MD.

Blue Note Entertainment Group

Blue Note has announced its new talent buying team for its Sony Hall in Midtown Manhattan: senior talent buyer Jack McFadden, talent buyer Ally Vega and junior talent buyer Nico Murray.

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“Here’s a summary of recent hires and internal promotions in the music industry as of May 24, 2024. If you have any personnel changes you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you. Please send them in…”
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