How to Open ePub Books on a Kindle

It’s all rather simple and easy to do, which is nice.

Key Takeaways

  • Use Amazon’s Send to Kindle feature to access ePub books on your Kindle.
  • Email ePub files to your Kindle ID by locating the Kindle email address and sending the book as an attachment.
  • Explore alternative ways to send files to Kindle apps through Amazon’s Send to Kindle page.

The Kindle eReader and app are useful tools for purchasing and reading books from Amazon. However, if you have ePub files, which is one of the many ebook formats that Kindle supports, that you’d like to access through your eReader, here are your options.

Using Amazon’s Send to Kindle Feature

The most straightforward way to open ePub books on a Kindle is by using Amazon’s Send to Kindle feature, and this is the method I’ve used primarily. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Navigate to Amazon’s Send to Kindle page.
  2. Log in if you aren’t already signed in.
  3. Select the files from your device or drag and drop them into the square area (the maximum supported file size is 200 MB).
  4. Verify if you selected the correct file by checking the name in the Read to Send section.
  5. Select Send.

Your books may take a few minutes to appear in your Kindle app library.

By Emailing It to Your Kindle ID

I’ve also emailed my ePub files to my Kindle ID.

  1. Navigate to Amazon’s Manage Your Content and Devices webpage.
  2. Select your Kindle from the Devices tab.
  3. Click the device’s name in the expanded menu section.
  4. You’ll see your Kindle email address on the page you’re redirected to.

Copy the email address and send the book as an attachment via email. Your ePub file should appear in your library.

Alternative Ways to Send ePub Files

I find these are the two easiest ways to send ePub files (or files in other formats) to my Kindle. However, Amazon’s Send to Kindle page also features other sending options. For example, you can send files directly to your Kindle app on your iOS device, the Kindle app on your Android device, and more. You can also familiarize yourself with other tips to make the most of your Kindle for a better reading experience.

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