7 Smart Business Strategies to Inspire Your Strategy


“What is the shrewdest and smartest strategy you have ever seen in the business world?”

Here are some comments from YEC community members:

1. Switching Slack from gaming

“There are a lot of smart strategies in business. One that sticks out to me is the origins of Slack. The company was originally called Tiny Speck, and its goal was to develop a video game called Glitch. Around 2012. By then, the team realized that their game wasn’t profitable and had to quickly pivot to other games.

“Well, while developing the game, the team built an internal communication tool that ended up becoming Slack. This move was smart and paid off in the best possible way for the team. Daman Jeet Singh, funnel kit

2.Apple’s App Store

“When Apple released the iPhone, it was one of the most exciting moments in technology history. But what really set it apart was the launch of the App Store in 2008. , Apple didn’t just sell phones.What really shook up the industry was the ability for developers to create and sell their own apps. It was when we incorporated the platform.

“This seemingly small move infinitely expanded the capabilities of the iPhone. Now, creative minds around the world can quickly fill the App Store with a wide variety of apps that cater to all kinds of needs and interests. Yes, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t know about the App Store these days. john turner, Seed Prod LLC

3. Netflix’s shift to interactive content

“I think Netflix’s move to interactive content was one of the smartest moves that fascinated me. At the time, streaming services faced intense competition and it was difficult for companies to grow subscribers. That’s when Netflix started experimenting with interactive content, as viewers have a wide range of choices. You can now make choices and decide how the story unfolds.”

“It all started with an episode of Black Mirror and then expanded to other projects. The strategy worked beautifully, and Netflix received an overwhelming response. This is what sets Netflix apart from other players in the industry. Stephanie Wells, terrifying form

4. Disney Streaming Service

“One of the smartest moves I’ve seen recently was Disney coming up with a streaming service, which allowed the company to capitalize on a growth trend. This has enabled Disney to quickly gain more subscribers by leveraging its vast library of popular content, including a variety of classics and movies, including huge series such as Disney Wars. We were able to not only collect content, but also control content distribution and capture a larger share of the streaming market.”

“With a vast library of classics and other exclusive content, the company quickly built a large subscriber base and saw a significant increase in revenue.” ~ Jared Acheson, WP form

5. Tesla’s Cyber ​​Whistle

“Elon Musk’s decision to launch the Tesla Cyberwhistle is a very smart business move for several important reasons. First, it helps build loyalty among Tesla fans. It’s unique and By offering collectible items, Tesla creates a special connection with its customers, which makes people more excited about the brand and curious to see what’s coming next. Second, these product launches get a lot of media attention. Mr. Musk knows how to keep people talking about Tesla, with small and fun products like the Cyber ​​Whistle. It helps keep your brand in the news.”

“This continuous visibility is very important to keep Tesla in people’s minds. Thirdly, these releases make Tesla’s brand image more interesting. Tesla Although known for its energy, adding fun items like the Cyber ​​Whistle shows the company is also a fun and creative company, making it more than just the products it sells. You can attract more customers who like things.”

“Finally, these collectibles are typically low cost to create, but can be sold for high prices, meaning you can quickly make a lot of money each time they’re sold. Simply put, These strategies are smart because they are good for increasing customer interest, keeping your brand in the spotlight, adding a fun element to your brand image, and making extra money. It will be very effective in the world.” benjamin rojas, All-in-one SEO

6. Apple Retail Store

“One of the shrewdest and smartest strategies in business that stands out to me is Apple’s decision to open its own retail stores. When Apple opened its first store in 2001, many Critics were skeptical. At the time, it was unusual for a computer manufacturer to sell directly to consumers without relying primarily on third-party retailers and large investments in real estate and retail presence. This decision was considered a risk given the challenges of building from scratch.”

But Steve Jobs envisioned an environment where Apple could control the customer experience from start to finish, ensuring that each aspect of interaction, presentation, and service was fully aligned with the brand’s values. . This allows Apple to showcase its products in a way that third-party retailers cannot imitate, ensuring that customers receive a unified experience focused on product integration and ease of use. This strategic move paid off dramatically. ”

“The Apple Store quickly became the gold standard in retail, offering an immersive brand experience that drove both product sales and brand loyalty. They became an important part of Apple’s marketing strategy, turning the shopping experience into an event and a key differentiator for the brand from its competitors. michelle allan, velvet caviar

7. Smart and insightful people can be simple.

“I think the smartest business strategies are the ones that are simple and uncomplicated. One of my industry acquaintances was a successful solopreneur. However, he realized that success had destroyed his personal life while managing customer support. Realizing he was failing to grow or add new features, he did the smartest thing and reached out to mid-sized companies with tools that complemented his own. Since then, my wealth has grown even more.

“The business was then acquired again and his products grew beyond his imagination. The steps he took were simple but had a direct impact on his life and work. You don’t have to do anything unique or overly clever to develop a shrewd business strategy. Identify your problem and find the most direct problem with it.” blair williams, member press

Image: Depositphotos

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