‘Empire’ Co-Creator Lee Daniels Says the Show Was ‘Absolutely the Worst Experience. Horrible!’ But ‘That Money, Money, Money. I Put My Kids Through College and S—‘ – Variety #Empire #CoCreator #Lee #Daniels #Show #Absolutely #Worst #Experience #Horrible #Money #Money #Money #Put #Kids #College #Variety
Source Link: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMikwFBVV95cUxNRGhFejhwaWR0MGJQTTBaNnpld0tMYndISlhxbVJVVFpIS1VVZGtJekxVZXV0S2VkbGhKQ3dhSlBEci0zczdFQm9mVWRUNlNxaDU1ZUtEQzBBZWxEQnVtVTBhajY3bndOWkVMU3JtYVdxNGlILWozX3loVy15RGpaX2g3eVJmcXh4RVZQX0RZOXFuTDg?oc=5
‘Empire’ Co-Creator Lee Daniels Says the Show Was ‘Absolutely the Worst Experience. Horrible!’ But ‘That Money, Money, Money. I Put My Kids Through College and S—‘ – Variety:
‘Empire’ Co-Creator Lee Daniels Says the Show Was ‘Absolutely the Worst Experience. Horrible!’ But ‘…